Monday, January 5, 2009

SCHOOL READINESS PROGRAMME(useful for the parents of kvs)

  1. Send your child with positive attitude,rather pamper your child.He is the only hero,and his/her teacher is special and she'l love him very much.
  2. Send them well dressed,neat and clean with polished shoes(special care for shoes), hand kerchief and one piece of napkin in their bag.
  3. Uniform must be neat and clean and wearing vest and underwear is a must with a handkerchief haning on the shirt.
  4. Parents have to be present at the first call of the teacher or talk over phone every now and then.Send the required material very next day.Chek your wards diary daily.
  5. Send the child well prepared with all books,note books and at least 3=4 sharp pencils,own colours, eraser and small scale.Don't scold them for missing their pencil or any other item,rather advise them to be careful.They are very small and will learn by experience.
  6. Bringing school diary is a must.If the child has lost his/her diary purchase a new one or make a small note book for the same. To be continued. . . .

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Whose responsibility is it to give moral education school or home?
